

We increase your website performance and boost the loading time.

Your fast and optimized website attracts more customers and benefits your business as happy customers stay longer, convert better, and simply buy more.

We analyze your website or webshop carefully, find its performance bottlenecks and remove them.

Let us growth hack your website.




Performance Audit

  • Measuring website performance of WordPress, Typo3, Contao, Joomla, Shopware, and custom websites
  • Evaluating Google PageSpeed Insights, Core Web Vitals Performance, and leading performance indicators
  • Analyzing technical infrastructure such as server, hosting, and CMS (content-management-system)
Analyze page performance

Technical Implementation

  • Removing performance bottlenecks in source code, database, plugins & more
  • Optimizing and lazy loading images and media files for mobile and desktop visitors
  • Defining optimal settings for server caching and browser caching
Optimize the page

Reporting, Monitoring & Our Commitment

  • Final report with our before/after comparison and valuable recommendations for future website updates
  • Monitoring your website’s performance at different times and load scenarios
  • We are committed to our delivery promise and you get your money back if we fail
Reports and delivery commitment

We love your online success!

Do you want to attract more visitors and increase conversion with our performance marketing?

Do you like to rank higher on search engines like Google or Bing?

Do you like to pass in Core Web Vitals?

Do not hesitate and let us speed up your website or webshop.